
Saturday, September 8, 2012

Beetroot Gin & Tonic - Beetroot: Part 3 of 3

Beetroot Gin & Tonic

after deciding, and announcing, that i was going to make a cocktail with beetroot, i realised i'd never had a cocktail with beetroot. but since i can probably dip cardboard in gin and still enjoy it, i figured why not beetroot? i did a few searches around and saw things like: beetroot margaritas and beet-ellni's. i gave it some thought as too which liquor to use with a reduced beetroot essence... gin with its herbal notes sprung to mind, and orange citrus zests paired in beetroot salad was my next thought. put the two together and the Beetroot G & T was born! in my mind anyway.....

juice from three beetroots
stright from the garden, into your drink!
since i've started this three post beetroot blow out i've been seeing red. ive had beetroot everywhere i go, had it on toast, in chocolate, candied, in my drinks, with fish, in salads... im happy to say this is the last beetroot post for sometime! i still have a great affection for the root veg, but im going to keep my roots out in the garden for awhile. it feels right to end this party on a high note, i hope some of you get a chance to try this cocktail in your own homes.

im not ashamed to say that i've tried this cocktail in several versions, and after several nights of no hang over's, and recently reading that beetroot is a blood cleanser: i've decided beetroot is the new hangover cure-all. well, its a good reason to keep drinking em at least! try it out and let me know. i think i came up with the right ratio's of flavours, and that everything fits happpily in one jovial sip. here it goes....


Beetroot Gin & Tonic
makes 4

this recipe has one fiddly part: juicing the beetroot and reducing the juice to 1/2 the original volume.
other than that all you need is gin (i used Gordon's), tonic, an orange and a lime.  make each drink one at a time for best results.

For beetroot reduction:
3 medium beetroots, top and tailed, chopped, reserve some small leaves for garnish

  • juice beetroot in juicer. alternatively, place beetroot in food processor and blend till very fine. strain off the juice and discard solids.
  • measure your beetroot juice.
  • place your juice in a small saucepan on medium heat and bring to boil, let reduce till just 50% of original volume is left.
  • cool to room temp, and place in fridge.
this can be done up to 3 days in advance

For cocktail:
Beetroot reduction
Gin, (pick a nice one)
One ripe orange
One ripe llime
Tonic water

  • in a pint glass: muddle 1 1/2  tablesppons of beetroot reduction with a two inch strip of orange peel, 1 1/2 tablespoons of lime juice, and a strip of lime peel.
  • pour contents in a tall collins glass, 300ml/10 oz in size. fill glass with ice cubes and 3 tablespoons (45ml) of gin, top up with tonic water.
  • serve cold with a slice or lime and a wedge of orange, add two small beetroot leaves or mint for garnish.

thanks for reading my blog! coming up i'll be posting about: nasturtium capers, wildflowers and nectar rich flowers for a bee friendly garden, and my plan for a winter potager.
drink responsibly!


  1. Love it! Beet-ellini's!! :) well I love beetroot and i love gin (Gordon's/Bombay Sapphire) so must give this a try! :)


  2. Hmmmnn... Veg in a drink. Heck! Why not?  ツ
